About Me

Recent Computer Science graduate speciailizing in software application development.

Expertise includes:

  • Data Structures and Algorithms
  • Project Management
  • User Interface Design

Excels working individually, in teams, and with superiors.


Logo of Partion


Developed Partion, an award-winning cross-platform mobile app for seamless bill splitting and receipt management, honored as the Most Innovative Technology at CSULB COE Senior Project Expo 2024.

Logo of Food Truck Finder

Food Truck Finder

Built Food Truck Tracker, a mobile web app for real-time food truck tracking, improving visibility and customer engagement, as part of a Software Project Management and Testing project.


Web Application Development

Logo of HTML Logo of CSS Logo of Javascript Logo of React

Mobile Application Development

Logo of Dart Logo of Flutter

Software Developer Tools

Logo of Git Logo of GitHub Logo of Postman Logo of Visual Studio Code Logo of Figma

Contact Me!